The District 10 Commander has published the below opportunities for Veterans to help fellow veterans activities Saturday 2/1 10am Bingo (3-4...
Author: admin
Veterans Claims Clinic for Female Veterans – February 18th & 19th
The Lincoln VBA Regional Office invites you to attend a Veterans Claims Clinic, specifically for female Veterans, on February 18th and 19th, from...
The Defender Newsletter – February 2025
The Official Newsletter of Veterans of Foreign Wars Post 2543 in Plattsmouth! Published not just for members, but for the local community that...
When are the Post Meetings?
VFW Post 2543 Meetings are scheduled on the 3rd Tuesday of each month, at 7pm. If you are not currently a member, please go to our membership...
Veterans involved in Community Service.
This is a post about the Veterans comitment to Community Service. Lorem ipsum dolor sit amet. Ea corporis suscipit quo quia commodi est...
VFW Post 2543 – Membership Incentive Offer
Lorem ipsum dolor sit amet. Ea corporis suscipit quo quia commodi est consequatur consequatur id voluptas cupiditate ea neque aspernatur. Quo...
VFW Post #2543 Notification of By-Laws Update
The Veterans of Foreign Wars Post 2543 is in the process of updating of its current By-Laws. The Department of Nebraska has directed all posts...